Memory Evoker

How have I become who I am?
Where am I going?
And what do I want my children and grandchildren
to know when I’m not here anymore?
“At special events in the family, when you are under pressure or when you get a little older, many people start asking themselves those questions. One’s identity, life history and living conditions suddenly become important, and one recognizes that there is much to learn by looking at the experiences that have shaped oneself and those one loves. ”
The previous quote is from the website where, among other things, are mentioned “Memory Evokers” and maybe that is just what is needed. The website then, suggest that you hire a professional narrator to have your memoirs written down on paper, for the benefit of your descendants, but it might also be so much to make out of it and incidentally, extremely expensive.
A simple list of one’s Homes, Educations, Jobs and Interests, through the years, can act as “Reminders” for one’s children and grandchildren, so they in time would be able to easier add more and then could become the start of a Genealogy Book for your family.
You should not make the project bigger than necessary, because then you will never get it done.
So start with a simple list …
This Page will help you through the process of making your own Genealogy Book.

*Join Facebook Group – Memory Evoker

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