Entrance fee is 40 pesos for adults and 30 pesos for children. Cottages are available at 1,000 pesos, 500 pesos, 300 pesos, 250 pesos, and 200 pesos. Table is 100 pesos.
Three pools are ready to be plunged into with 2 feet deep and 4 feet deep adjacent pools and a separate 5 feet deep pool.
Crystal Pool is open at 8:00 AM and closes at 5:00 PM only and don’t consent overnight stay. (Source)
What time it will open?
We have not been able to find any contact number, email or FB page on this Resort.
We suggest you take a look at ARJE Resort, which is in the same Barangay. They are open from 7am to 8pm
Read more here… http://host.javanielsen.dk/2015/09/03/arje-resort/