Category Archives: Nature

Sea of Life


The following pictures are from JCI Batangas


JCI Manila Sea of Life:

1. Dome Dropping ~ Artificial Reef Planting

Sea of Life (S.O.L.), a project initiated by a British national residing in General Santos City for more than 30yrs, Mr. Chris Dearne, aims to build environmental awareness regarding the rapid degradation of our marine natural resources due to illegal means of fishing (dynamite, cyanide, poaching).

The Philippines is classified as one of the world’s best destinations for aquatic marine life and tropical forest life diversity. Unfortunately, due to a third world economy, locals lack the education on how to properly care for our marine and land eco system. Therefore over fishing, cyanide fishing, dynamite fishing, and poaching has been rampant, to the point it has reached critical mass. As a direct impact, thousands of marine and animal species has either have become endangered or extinct. Indirect impact examples would include climate change, shift in food chain, flooding, and ultimately there will be nothing for our children and grandchildren to see.

In the effort to help rebuild our environment, JCI Manila, Pilipinas EcoWarriors and its partners plans to locally build as many man-made concrete domes and plant artificial marine reefs as possible that will serve as a marine habitat and/or shelter in various diving locations in the Philippines that have been severely damaged.

This project will not only target the rehabilitation of damaged marine reefs, rebuild the local fishing industry but also provide eco-tourism awareness that will help sustain this worthwhile cause.




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Tagbalitang Cave

A pottery vessel of Kalanay tradition (because the oldest pottery of similar design is found in Kalanay cave in Masbate) which its origin is in North Vietnam during the metal period (ca. 300 BC – 1000 AD), found in a cave (Tagbalitang) used as burial at Brgy. San Martin,  Villanueva. (Source)

Two thousand years ago, there were already ancient Kagay-anons living around the vicinity of Hulaga, Himologan and Tagbalitang caves.

The Tagbalitang Cave is part of the limestone formation and the mouth of the cave is located at the slope of the hill orientated towards the east. Unfortunately, at the time of the survey, the mouth of the cave has been destroyed due to treasure hunting activities in the late 1980s. According to our informant, treasure
hunters blasted the mouth of the cave in search for gold causing the
mouth to collapse and thus blocking the opening. The cave is currently located inside the Municipal Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and owned by the local government. No artifacts were recovered at the foot of the hill. (Source)

The pottery can be seen at XU – Museo de Oro
Address, Opening Hours and Contact no.
can be found on XU – Museo de Oro

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